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123 products
Kangaskhan EX (78/106) [XY: Flashfire]
$2.80 CAD
Koga's Grimer (78/132) [Gym Challenge 1st Edition]
$2.00 CAD
Koga's Grimer (78/132) [Gym Challenge Unlimited]
$0.80 CAD
Kricketot (78/127) [Platinum: Base Set]
$0.40 CAD
Latios GX (78/236) (Perfection - Henry Brand) [World Championships 2019]
$4.00 CAD
Latios GX (78/236) [Sun & Moon: Unified Minds]
$6.70 CAD
Lickitung (78/111) [XY: Furious Fists]
$0.30 CAD
Lightning Energy (78/83) [XY: Generations]
Lucario (78/135) [Black & White: Plasma Storm]
Lugia (78/124) (Theme Deck Exclusive) [XY: Fates Collide]
$12.10 CAD
Lugia (78/124) [XY: Fates Collide]
$1.30 CAD
Lum Berry (78/106) (Stamped) [EX: Emerald]
$7.20 CAD
Lum Berry (78/106) [EX: Emerald]
$1.20 CAD
Lysandre (78/98) (Bebe - Jesper Eriksen) [World Championships 2016]
Lysandre (78/98) (Black Dragon - Shuntu Sadahiro) [World Championships 2016]
$0.70 CAD
Lysandre (78/98) (Magical Symphony - Shintaro Ito) [World Championships 2016]
$0.20 CAD
Lysandre (78/98) [XY: Ancient Origins]
Machop (78/130) [Base Set 2]
$0.60 CAD
Makuhita (78/106) [Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters]
Marowak (78/162) (League Promo 1st Place) [XY: BREAKthrough]
$18.00 CAD
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