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111 products
Slowpoke (70/95) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Call of Legends]
$0.60 CAD
Stunfisk (70/124) [Black & White: Dragons Exalted]
$0.30 CAD
Taillow (70/108) [XY: Roaring Skies]
Team Magma Schemer (70/95) [EX: Team Magma vs Team Aqua]
$0.50 CAD
Tentacool (70/160) [XY: Primal Clash]
Togepi (70/90) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Undaunted]
$0.70 CAD
Treecko (70/106) (Gen Con The Best Four Days in Gaming Promo) [EX: Emerald]
$122.30 CAD
Treecko (70/106) (Stamped) [EX: Emerald]
$22.20 CAD
Treecko (70/106) [EX: Emerald]
Unown O (70/132) [Diamond & Pearl: Secret Wonders]
Vulpix (70/101) (Delta Species) (Stamped) [EX: Dragon Frontiers]
$6.80 CAD
Vulpix (70/101) (Delta Species) [EX: Dragon Frontiers]
$0.80 CAD
Warp Energy (70/73) [Sun & Moon: Shining Legends]
$0.40 CAD
Weavile (70/99) [Black & White: Next Destinies]
Weedle (70/75) [Neo Discovery 1st Edition]
$1.60 CAD
Weedle (70/75) [Neo Discovery Unlimited]
Weezing (70/165) [Expedition: Base Set]
$2.60 CAD
Wingull (70/100) (Stamped) [EX: Crystal Guardians]
Wingull (70/100) [EX: Crystal Guardians]
Woobat (70/149) [Black & White: Boundaries Crossed]
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