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111 products
Cresselia (70/162) [XY: BREAKthrough]
$0.40 CAD
Cubone (70/130) [Base Set 2]
$1.00 CAD
Dedenne (70/119) [XY: Phantom Forces]
Druddigon (70/101) [Black & White: Plasma Blast]
Druddigon (70/106) (Cosmos Holo) (Blister Exclusive) [XY: Flashfire]
$2.20 CAD
Druddigon (70/106) (Theme Deck Exclusive) [XY: Flashfire]
$0.60 CAD
Druddigon (70/106) [XY: Flashfire]
$0.00 CAD
Erika's Oddish (70/132) [Gym Challenge 1st Edition]
$1.90 CAD
Erika's Oddish (70/132) [Gym Challenge Unlimited]
$1.20 CAD
Ferroseed (70/98) [Black & White: Emerging Powers]
Garchomp (70/122) [XY: BREAKpoint]
Gengar (70/214) [Sun & Moon: Unbroken Bonds]
$15.30 CAD
Gothita (70/113) [Black & White: Legendary Treasures]
Hawlucha (70/131) [Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light]
Holon's Magnemite (70/113) (Stamped) [EX: Delta Species]
$19.70 CAD
Holon's Magnemite (70/113) [EX: Delta Species]
$1.70 CAD
Igglybuff (70/106) [Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters]
$2.60 CAD
Jolteon (70/236) [Sun & Moon: Cosmic Eclipse]
Kakuna (70/144) [Skyridge]
$7.30 CAD
Kartana GX (70/111) (Victory Map - Robin Schulz) [World Championships 2018]
$3.00 CAD
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