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137 products
Fairy Energy (22/30) [XY: Trainer Kit 1 - Wigglytuff]
$4.30 CAD
Feebas (22/106) [XY: Flashfire]
$0.30 CAD
Fighting Energy (22/30) [Black & White: Trainer Kit - Excadrill]
$1.80 CAD
Froakie (22/131) [Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light]
$0.40 CAD
Froakie (22/25) [McDonald's 25th Anniversary]
Furfrou (22/30) [XY: Trainer Kit - Sylveon]
$0.60 CAD
Furret (22/109) (Stamped) [EX: Team Rocket Returns]
$92.70 CAD
Furret (22/109) [EX: Team Rocket Returns]
$28.60 CAD
Gastrodon West Sea (22/111) [Platinum: Rising Rivals]
$2.10 CAD
Glalie (22/101) [Black & White: Plasma Blast]
Golduck (22/102) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Triumphant]
$2.20 CAD
Granbull (22/123) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Base Set]
$0.70 CAD
Hitmonlee (22/62) [Fossil 1st Edition]
$12.20 CAD
Hitmonlee (22/62) [Fossil Unlimited]
$7.40 CAD
Hitmontop (22/75) [Neo Discovery 1st Edition]
$19.20 CAD
Hitmontop (22/75) [Neo Discovery Unlimited]
$4.60 CAD
Ho-Oh EX (22/124) [Black & White: Dragons Exalted]
$5.30 CAD
Holon's Magneton (22/113) (B-L-S - Hiroki Yano) [World Championships 2006]
$4.80 CAD
Holon's Magneton (22/113) (Mewtrick - Jason Klaczynski) [World Championships 2006]
Holon's Magneton (22/113) (Rambolt - Jeremy Scharff-Kim) [World Championships 2007]
$3.30 CAD
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