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139 products
Heracross (18/214) [Sun & Moon: Lost Thunder]
$0.30 CAD
Ho-oh (18/64) [Neo Revelation 1st Edition]
$43.20 CAD
Ho-oh (18/64) [Neo Revelation Unlimited]
$16.70 CAD
Horsea (18/116) [Black & White: Plasma Freeze]
$0.40 CAD
Houndoom (18/106) [Diamond & Pearl: Great Encounters]
$1.80 CAD
Huntail (18/92) (Stamped) [EX: Legend Maker]
$12.90 CAD
Huntail (18/92) [EX: Legend Maker]
$1.10 CAD
Illumise (18/160) [XY: Primal Clash]
Illumise (18/168) [Sun & Moon: Celestial Storm]
Inkay (18/39) [XY: Kalos Starter Set]
$0.70 CAD
Jynx (18/147) [Aquapolis]
$10.80 CAD
Kecleon (18/100) [EX: Sandstorm]
Kingdra GX (18/70) [Sun & Moon: Dragon Majesty]
$4.40 CAD
Lanturn (18/95) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Unleashed]
$0.80 CAD
Ledian (18/101) (Delta Species) (Stamped) [EX: Dragon Frontiers]
$14.20 CAD
Ledian (18/101) (Delta Species) [EX: Dragon Frontiers]
$2.20 CAD
Lightning Energy (18/30) [HeartGold & SoulSilver: Trainer Kit - Raichu]
$0.60 CAD
Lightning Energy (18/30) [XY: Trainer Kit 3 - Pikachu Libre]
Litleo (18/106) [XY: Flashfire]
Litleo (18/131) [Sun & Moon: Forbidden Light]
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